
Open positions

We are currently advertising the following vacancies:

Applications for Research Positions

Feel free to discuss positions with me before making a formal application by emailing me.

Prospective Fellowships and Studentships

There are a variety of funding schemes available to support researchers at PhD and postdoctoral level. Please get in contact if you are interested in opportunities to apply with the PSF group. No need to send a CV or cover letter at this stage but please do indicate why you are interested in making an application with the PSF group. Please note Richard will usually ignore generic/mass emailed enquiries.

Master and Capstone projects and desk studies for TCD students

If you are a student at TCD and are interested in doing a project in the PSF group, please drop me an email. I submit project titles when a call goes out but I also am happy to support interesting ideas in the general areas of plant biology (particularly belowground!), sustainability and data and technology applications to both.