
Group highlights

At the end of this page, you can find the full list of publications. .

Nitrogen availability and summer drought, but not N:P imbalance, drive carbon use efficiency of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem

How does global change affect the carbon dynamics in seasonally arid mediterranean systems?

Nair R., Luo Y., El-Madany T., Rolo V., Pacheco-Labrador J., Caldararu S., Morris K.A., Schrumpf M., Carrara A., Moreno G., Reichstein M., Migliavacca.

Global Change Biology (2024)

High Frequency Root Dynamics: Sampling and Interpretation Using Replicated Robotic Minirhizotrons

We built a robotic instrument which can photograph root growth in real field context on daily timescales and interpret the images with machine learning.

Nair R., Strube M., Hertel M., Kolle O., Rolo V., Migliavacca M

Journal of Experimental Botany (2023)

Forest Canopy N Uptake Can Supply Entire Foliar Demand

Conifer forests may be able to sustain their canopy by taking nitrogen up from anthropogenic deposition.

Ferraretto D., Nair R. (joint first author), Shah N.W., Reay D., Mencuccini M., Spencer M., Heal K.V.

Functional Ecology (2022)


Full List of publications

Nitrogen availability and summer drought, but not N:P imbalance, drive carbon use efficiency of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem
Nair R., Luo Y., El-Madany T., Rolo V., Pacheco-Labrador J., Caldararu S., Morris K.A., Schrumpf M., Carrara A., Moreno G., Reichstein M., Migliavacca.
Global Change Biology (2024)

Correcting land surface temperature from thermal imager by considering heterogeneous emissivity
Yan W., including Nair R.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (2024)

Functional traits of fossil plants
McElwain J.C. et al including Nair R.
New Phytologist (2024)

Beyond model evaluation - combining experiments and models to advance terrestrial ecosystem science
Caldararu S., Rolo V., BD Stocker BD., Gimeno TE., Nair R.
Biogeosciences (2023)

Do leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale?
Gomarasca U… et al. including Nair R.
Nature Communications (2023)

Rooting vegetation models in realism
Nair R.
Global Change Biology (2023)

High Frequency Root Dynamics: Sampling and Interpretation Using Replicated Robotic Minirhizotrons
Nair R., Strube M., Hertel M., Kolle O., Rolo V., Migliavacca M
Journal of Experimental Botany (2023)

Evergreen broadleaf greenness and its relationship with leaf flushing, aging, and water fluxes
Luo Y et al. including Nair R.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2022)

Forest Canopy N Uptake Can Supply Entire Foliar Demand
Ferraretto D., Nair R. (joint first author), Shah N.W., Reay D., Mencuccini M., Spencer M., Heal K.V.
Functional Ecology (2022)

Long-term ecosystem nitrogen limitation from foliar 15N and a land surface model
Caldararu S., Thum T., Yu L., Kern M., Nair R., Zaehle S
Global Change Biology (2022)

Global sensitivities of forest carbon changes to environmental conditions
Besnard S … et al. including Nair R.
Global Change Biology (2021)

Direct observation of subterranean refugium use by Epidalea calamita (Natterjack Toad) in a Dehesa ecosystem in Extremadura, Spain
Durso A.M., Morris K.A., Nair R.K.F.
Herpetology Notes 14, 1203-1205 (2021)

Plant-Available N:P Alters Root Litter N Recycling in a Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystem
Nair, R.K.F., Morris K, Migliavacca M, Moreno G, Schrumpf M.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (2020)

Nutrients and water availability constrain the seasonality of vegetation activity in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Luo, Y, … Nair, R., … et al.
Global Change Biology (2020)

Fate of N additions in a Multiple Resource Limited Mediterranean Oak-Savanna
Morris K. A., Nair, R.K.F., Moreno G, Schrumpf M, Migliavacca M.
Ecosphere (2020)

N:P Stoichiometry and Habitat Effects on Mediterranean Savanna Seasonal Root Dynamics
Nair, R. K. F., Morris K.A, Hertel M., Luo Y., Moreno G., Reichstein M, Schrumpf M. & Migliavacca M
Biogeosciences (2019)

Decomposition Nitrogen is Better Retained than Simulated Deposition From Mineral Amendments in a Temperate Forest
Nair, R. K. F., Perks, M. P., & Mencuccini, M.
Global Change Biology (2017)

Does canopy nitrogen uptake enhance carbon sequestration by trees?
RKF Nair, MP Perks, A Weatherall, EM Baggs, M Mencuccini
Global Change Biology (2016)

Stem injection of 15N–NH4NO3 into mature Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)
Nair, R., Weatherall, A., Perks, M., & Mencuccini, M.
Tree Physiology (2014)