
These are the projects that we are currently leading:

RODEO: Root Dynamics for Ecosystem Observation In RODEO, we aim to understand the links between phenology (seasonal cycles) above and belowground between roots and shoots, and what this means for greenhouse gas emissions.

Currently there are many uncertainties in our understanding of phenology belowground; we know its often not the same as aboveground, but don’t understand why. We are building robotic instruments to set up a network of root observatories. We will use AI for image analysis to gather data on root phenology. We will use these data to improve representation of roots in climate models. RODEO is funded via a SFI-Royal Society University Research Fellowship awarded to Richard.

RootCheck In RootCheck we are building tools to improve root health assessment in agricultural systems.

Roots are essential for sustainable and productive agriculture but in-field assesment lags well behind above-ground parts of plants. We are taking a stakeholder-focused approach to deliver an approachable technical solution for root management in future food systems. RootCheck is led by Richard, with collaborators Saoirse Tracy (UCD), Aoife Gowan (UCD) and Gillian Young (AFBI Newgrange), RootCheck is funded via the SFI National Challenge Fund Future Food Systems call.

Members of the PSF Group are also involved in the following projects:

TERRAFORM: The ERC-funded TERRAFORM project (PI:Jenny McElwain, TCD) investigates how plant life has shaped Earth’s habitability over millions of years, examining the evolution of plant traits and their impact on large-scale processes like the hydrological cycle and weathering over the past 300 million years. Through a multidisciplinary approach encompassing ecology, paleo-Earth experiments, climate modeling, and fossil plant analysis, TERRAFORM aims to quantify plants’ influence on carbon, nutrient, and hydrological cycles throughout history Richard is a collaborator on the TERRAFORM project.

CLEANFOREST CLEANFOREST: Joint effects of CLimate Extremes and Atmospheric depositioN on European FORESTs (PI: Rosella Guerrieri, University Bologna) is an EU COST Action bringing together researchers across the EU and beyond to work on forest responses to global change. Richard is a working group co-lead in WG4 of the project.